Summit RIT contact: James Simmons; SLPT;, (775)827-9670
Mahogany Creek
The Summit Management Unit (SMU) is within the USGS Lower Quinn (HUC 16040202) hydrologic unit but is within a geographically isolated subbasin with a terminus lake (Summit Lake) fed by two tributary streams, Mahogany and Snow Creeks. LCT in this system are genetically distinct from LCT in neighboring basins. Thus, conserving this unit separately assists in achieving representation for LCT rangewide, as this system is unique geographically, ecologically, contains distinct genetic qualities, and contributes to preserving the lake life-history strategy. Currently, an interconnected LCT population exists in Summit Lake and its tributary streams; individuals from the lake enter Mahogany Creek annually to spawn and resident stream individuals are present in the creek system as well. Snow Creek is occupied by a small, likely isolated population of LCT, as it currently contains several barriers to fish movement. No other suitable LCT habitat exists within this subbasin; however, exploring out-of-historical-range habitats may provide future opportunities to establish a refuge population to better ensure the security of SMU genetics. Lastly, improving connectivity from Snow Creek to Summit Lake would likely increase the resiliency of the population in Summit Lake.
The recovery objectives for LCT in the SMU are as follows:
SMU 1) Manage and minimize threats from non-native species to improve the resiliency of the SMU LCT recovery population; and
SMU 2) Ensure that all habitats that support the SMU recovery population are managed to function ecologically. In some cases, this may require restoration and/or management changes; and
SMU 3) Continue management of the interconnected recovery population within Summit Lake and its tributaries to improve resiliency.