Pyramid/Truckee RIT contact: Daniel Kaus; USFWS (FAC);, (775)861-6369
The Truckee river is one of the region’s most popular fisheries.
The Pyramid-Truckee Management Unit (PTMU) is within the USGS Pyramid-Winnemucca Lakes (HUC 16050103) and Truckee (HUC 16050102) hydrologic units, but excludes the Little Truckee River (HUC 1605010201) hydrologic unit (i.e., Independence Management Unit). Currently, there are two potential LCT recovery populations in this unit, both of which are potentially resilient. The first is within Pyramid Lake and Truckee River, which is actively managed to allow for recovery while also maintaining a popular sport-fishery. This population requires more work related to addressing the threats from non-native trout and habitat degradation before it can become resilient. Reestablishing a population that resides in Pyramid Lake and spawns annually in the Truckee River will require an increased understanding of the hybridization risk of LCT with non-native rainbow trout; managing and minimizing that risk through time to an acceptable level will be an ongoing, iterative process. Secondly, Pole Creek is a tributary stream to the mainstem Truckee River that is currently potentially resilient largely due to its small and isolated nature.
The updated objectives for LCT in the PTMU are:
PTMU 1) Manage and minimize threats (i.e., competition, predation) and hybridization risk from non-native trout species to allow for the formation and/or maintenance of PTMU LCT population identified in PTMU objective 3; and
PTMU 2) Manage watershed connectivity and habitat in Truckee River by addressing fish passage barriers and improving inflow to Pyramid Lake to provide spawning, rearing, and residency opportunities; and
PTMU 3) Establish a recovery population in Pyramid Lake and the Truckee River.